Saturday, January 3, 2009

Mini Biopics of Russell Menke, Marvin Menke, Harry Menke, and Richard Menke - Grandchildren of Henry John Menke

Dr Dave Menke's great-grandfather, Henry John Menke (1854-1911) had six children with Philippina Ottwein Menke (1861-1937) that lived to adulthood. Only three of those, in turn, had children: Fred Menke (1885-1960), Oscar Menke (1888-1972), and Harry Menke (1902-1988).

As mentioned in Fred Menke's biopic, he and his wife had two children: Russell Menke, who died as a child, and Marvin Menke (1930-1994).

Marvin Menke had a number of simple jobs after he grew up. Plus, his parents left a trust for Marvin which paid Marvin a few hundred dollars per month. Later in life, Marvin got a job as the custodian for a local YMCA in the St Louis area. He also met and married a divorced lady who had a child. It is not known if Marvin adopted the boy. When Marvin passed away, his trust was divided into two parts. One part went to one of the grandsons (Stephen A Menke) of Fred Menke's brother, Oscar, and the other part went to the other grandson (David H Menke). In other words, Stephen and David each got about $20,000.

Oscar Menke had two children: Wilbert A Menke (1914-1972) and Dorothy Menke (1921-1981). Their biopics are already published.

Harry Menke had two sons: Harry (1930-) and Richard (1934-). Harry ("Little Harry") grew up in St Louis, got a college degree in engineering, then got a civililan job with the U.S. Navy. He worked most of his profesional life as a civilian engineer for the Navy, and lived in the Dallas area. Harry married and had two daughters, who have now grown up and have lives of their own. Harry and his wife retired to Colorado where they purchased a small "mom and pop" motel near the Rockies.

Richard Menke also grew up, got a college degree, and spent his career in accounting and economics for various companies. Richard married, but later divorced, and had no children. He lives north of St Louis.

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